Samm Tittle
Pennsylvania Voters – Almighty God could not have chosen a more dedicated man of faith, had He handpicked him just for YOU. And He did! Right now, our Lord assures us, “When we pray for our leaders,” and “When His people turn to Him, our Lord hears us, delivers us, and heals our land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Now, American patriots must elect Senator Marty Selker to office! I, @SammTittle, “coming ’round the mountain” as President of the United States, endorse Marty Selker! I tell the truth, even when some prefer not to hear it – and though they do want truth, too many politicians cheat, steal, lie, and do whatever they will “behind the scenes.” I told the Secretary of State (during the 2020 run) that Kamala Harris is not a citizen of the United States, yet you were cheated. With that said, as God is my witness, @SAMMPOTUS continues to “Follow Jesus Christ into His White House” – enough for #SAMMVISER.
Now, onto Marty Selker! Vote Marty Selker in as your Pennsylvania Senator! From now until November 5, 2024, YOU DOUBLE UP! “Write his name in” to ensure Marty Selker’s victory. Pennsylvania, when Marty Selker wins, YOU win! I know this for sure – God is with Marty, and Marty Selker, your next senator, is FOR YOU!
I am Samm Tittle, your humble servant, working for YOU. Right now, PA neighbors – work hard, volunteer, and donate to Senator Selker. Donate, help him advertise, make and put up signs in his name, in your yard or business. Call all your family, friends, and neighbors! True followers of Almighty God – believe, and you will receive! If you doubt, you do without. Join now, Pennsylvania patriots – vote now! Senator Marty Selker is our neighbor and friend!
Your humble servant,
Samm Tittle
“Trust God – Vote Marty Selker!”
PA, make your own yard signs in Marty Selker’s name and post them everywhere! Do it now! Senator Marty Selker!

Alex Pagareskį
I, Alex Pagareskį, hereby endorse Marty Selker as our senator in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He stands as a proud four-generation American and a truck driver, an industry that his ancestors have been a part of since its inception.